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Showing posts from February, 2017

Taking a screenshot with the Snipping Tool

Sometimes you want to share a screenshot with IT, or show a colleague something you find on the web that can't be copied and pasted.  Enter the snipping tool!  The snipping tool is on our Windows computer and allows you to take screenshots of whole windows, your whole screen, or part of your screen.  You can even add in annotations, highlight parts of the screen, and set it up to take a screenshot with a delay. Learn more here  

Using Skype to instantly message CCI colleagues

E-mail doesn't always cut it for those quick, real-time conversations with colleagues.  While there are many chat options, Skype for Business is the OCA standard and all CCI employees already have accounts!  You can even use it from your web Outlook, and send messages to multiple people. So it's a great option when you want to check in with your colleagues. Remember to always stay logged in. Interested?  Learn more below: How to send an instant message to one or more people in Skype How to use Skype instant message via your web Outlook  

Inbox rules to organize e-mail and create notifications

E-mail rules are a great way to either keep your Inbox organized, or even notify you when you get specific messages.  For example, you could set-up a rule so that every time you get a Tech Tip Tuesday e-mail, it automatically goes into a Tech Tip Tuesday folder.  You could also create a rule that every time you get an e-mail with a particular subject line, your computer makes a specific sound alert   (in Outlook only). ​ Interested?  Check out the instructions below: For Outlook on your desktop For web Outlook For Gmail

Outlook conversation view - collapse e-mail threads

Did you know in Outlook it's really easy to combine all of the e-mail back-and-forths relating to one subject into one collapsible view, instead of seeing each e-mail separately in your in-box?  It's called the conversation view! ​ Interested?  Check out the instructions below: For Outlook on your desktop For web Outlook